Hi, there! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of this world.

I’m Kelsey. Though a Kansas native, my family now calls Nebraska home. I am a wife and mama to four, all through adoption -- Michael, age 6, adopted from Uganda in 2014; Max, age 5, adopted domestically in 2012; Lorelai, age 3, adopted from China in 2016; Charlie Joy, almost 2, adopted from China in 2017. The seeds of adoption were planted in my heart at age 8; 21 years later, my dream came to fruition when Max joined our lives.

Each of my children has a special need of their own -- ranging from sensory processing disorder to blindness, hearing impairment and cerebral palsy -- and I learned this summer that I too have a special need -- a genetic syndrome called Ehlers-Danlos, which causes joint dislocations, among other issues.

This little space is our story of finding home together -- a place of belonging -- in this broken world as we navigate life with our complex crew.

We’re happy to have you along for the journey.